* This application is for federal funding for activities and projects related to reducing diesel reliance for heat and power, including capacity building, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Your application will be shared with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Infrastructure and Communities Canada (INFC).
* Program staff are available to assist you in the application development and submission process. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the program at [email protected] or you can follow up with your existing point of contact within the program.
* If you have any project documentation that addresses any or all of the Application Form question(s), you may attach and reference these documents instead of filling out these sections. This can include a recently submitted application form or proposal to another funding program, feasibility studies, engagement plans, project governance descriptions, work scope descriptions, project schedules, project budgets, etc.
* The level of detail in the application should be proportional to the size and complexity of the project. Please indicate if a section does not apply to your project or if you do not have a response to a section. For example, indicate “not applicable” or “This is a project idea and has not been developed further”. There will be opportunities to further provide information throughout the development and assessment process.
* If any part of this Application contains confidential or proprietary information, please write it in red font.
1. Applicant Information
Applicant Organization
Organization Type
Mailing Address
Business Number
(if applicable)
(e.g., federal GST/CRA #)
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact
Is this the first time your organization has applied for federal clean energy funding?
Yes No Unsure
If no, please specify program(s) ______________
2. Project Information
Project Title
Project Location
Project Timeline
Total Project Cost
Total Funding Requested
Project Province/Territory (select all that apply)
Please specify region, sub-region and/or nation territory _________________
Project Description
Provide a full description of the project and key activities. Indicate the work that has been completed, is currently underway, and planned activities to advance the project. Additionally, include the following information based on type of project:
If this is a capacity-building project, please identify how it will help reduce diesel or fossil fuel reliance for power and/or heat and advance community-led clean energy opportunities.
If this is a clean energy project, please identify (if known):
* the technology being proposed (e.g. wind, solar, hydro, biomass, energy storage, energy efficiency, combinations, etc.);
* how it will help improve energy usage within the community and reduce reliance on fossil fuels for heat and power;
* the proposed system size including anticipated heat load and/or electricity demand;
* whether the project has revenue generating potential;
* the proposed plan for managing operation and maintenance costs and maintaining the renewable energy asset throughout its life cycle; and,
* whether this is a novel application of the technology, and whether it has been done elsewhere in a similar climate or remote site.
If this is a research and development project, please identify (if applicable):
* the generation technology being studied (e.g. small wind, marine, municipal waste conversion, combinations, etc.) and its deployment readiness for Canadian remote communities (e.g. theoretical, prototype, experimental, demonstration, etc.)
* scope of the study (e.g. community or industrial scale, estimating heating or electricity loads, energy storage, microgrid reliability, development of a test facility, etc.)
* non-technology project considerations (e.g. health or climate implications from diesel, barriers to uptake of renewables, use of traditional knowledge, cultural development models, etc.)
Project Benefits
Provide a description of the project overall result(s) and expected outcome(s). Include details like:
How the project is addressing community, national and/or regional electricity/renewable energy challenges.
* You may wish to include how the project responds to community needs and/or fits into a community vision/plan.
* Examples of challenges: a lack of tools or training for community action, frequent blackouts, end of equipment life, high costs of heat and power, community accessibility.
Describe the overall benefits and expected results of the project, including who will benefit and how. Please include the expected environmental, social and economic benefits of the project. What would be considered a successful project by the community?
* Examples: estimated reduction of diesel fuel (litres/year), estimated reduction in greenhouse gas emission (tonnes CO2/year), health benefits (e.g. improved air quality), number and types of jobs created and improved human resource capacity, community energy independence and resiliency, improved reliability of electricity and heat, economic/ financial benefits (e.g., operating savings, lower energy costs).
* Describe how the project will contribute to increased capacity within the community and/or region, such as increased institutional capacity and community involvement, improved energy literacy, knowledge and skills development, supporting energy champions, etc.
Where appropriate, Applicants are encouraged to consider and provide evidence of how their projects will advance the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
If relevant, please describe any past or proposed work related to the project that advances equity, diversity and inclusion in electricity/renewable energy in Canada.
Project Governance and Team
Provide a summary of the ownership and governance structure of the project. If applicable, include details of Indigenous ownership/partnership of the project and their role in decision-making processes.
Provide a summary of the project team. E.g. Who is leading the project? Who will be hired to complete the work (project manager, local project champion, project adviser, consulting engineer, contractors, technology providers, etc.)?
In tables below, describe key team members involved in the project (e.g., their experience, role and expertise they will bring). If applicable, describe any legal background and who will retain any intellectual property for the project.
Provide sufficient detail for the program to assess whether the team has the necessary capability and capacity (e.g., management, technical, etc.) for the proposed work, but do not include resumés.
Add/delete rows as needed.
Team Member
Phone Number
Name of Project Manager
Role in organization and in project
Need funding for your small business?
Insert Project Manager’s experience in area of work (e.g., past positions, including key responsibilities and timeframe) and expertise they will bring to project. Can be bulleted summary.
Name of team member 2
Insert Team member’s experience and expertise.
Name of team member 3
Insert Team member’s experience and expertise.
Name of team member 4
Insert Team member’s experience and expertise.
3. Project Engagement
Indigenous and Community Engagement
Describe which communities will participate in the project, the level of community involvement both during the project and beyond, the ongoing relationship between you as the applicant organization with the communities, and completed and/or planned community engagement efforts. Indicate the level of support from the community(ies) and alignment with community plans and values. Include any confirmed written support, funding, leadership, etc.
What opportunities will be made to allow the views of under-represented groups (e.g. women, gender-diverse people, youth, Elders, 2SLGBTQ+, people with disabilities, etc) to be shared and incorporated into the project?
Anticipated Partners and Supporters
Please list the names of any relevant partner organizations or individuals and indicate their role in the project. This would include potential funders, governments, utilities, etc.
For projects involving the demonstration or deployment of a clean energy technology, describe the partnerships with Provincial/Territorial Government and Utility, who has been engaged and their level of support.
Example: are there memorandums of understanding (MOUs), joint ventures (JVs) or power/energy purchase agreements under development; is the project outlined in a community energy plan; are environmental assessments/permits underway; if no engagement has occurred is there an engagement plan in place?
Description of Role
4. Project Workplan
Workplan Details
If available, please attach your detailed project plan documents (e.g. Gantt chart, project budget). You may reference these documents instead of filling out this section.
Using the table below, describe how the project will be carried out including; a list of project tasks; a high-level description for each; who is expected to complete them; what are the anticipated outputs or results (e.g. milestones); what is the timeline for each task; and the estimated cost.
If applicable, please include details on the required permits, environmental assessments and/or regulatory approvals for construction and operation of the project.
Add/delete rows as needed.
Project Task
Team Member or Organization Responsible
Start and Completion Date
Estimated Cost ($)
5. Project Risks and Mitigation
Using the table below, please describe any risks associated with the project (e.g, financial, scope, timeline, technical, consultation, market, etc.) and include the estimated likelihood (high, medium, low) and impact of the risk, as well as the mitigation measure that will be taken.
Add/delete rows as needed.
Description of Risk
Likelihood and project impact
Mitigation measure
Describe the risk to the successful execution of the project
Describe the estimated likelihood of the risk occurring and the impact to the project should it occur
Describe the mitigation measure taken and estimate the residual risk to project (low, medium, or high)
Residual Risk Level
The residual risk has little potential for impact on project success. The Applicant is confident the mitigation measures in place effectively manage the risk.
The residual risk has some potential for impact on the project. With mitigation measures in place, the potential impact is not critical to project success or is very unlikely to occur.
The residual risk has significant potential to impact project success with outlined mitigation measures in place.
6. Additional Information (optional)
Yes No Supporting documents have been attached to this Application.
* List file names of attached documents, for example, permits, land access approvals, environmental assessments, support letters, studies, etc.
7. Project Financials:
Please provide sources of funding of the proposed project. Leave blank any sections that do not apply to you. Insert additional rows as needed. Organize by fiscal years (i.e. 2022-23 is April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023). Please note there will be an additional Budget Template to complete at a later stage to indicate cost categories of the proposed project.
Program funding sought:
Other Government of Canada Funding:
* List Department or Agency
Please indicate the status of funding (applied, pending, confirmed).
Other Provincial, Municipal, Territorial or Indigenous government funding:
Applicant Organization
Funding from other sources:
* Please identify source
* List organization(s)
Total contributions per year:
8. Applicant Attestation
By submitting this project application, the Applicant:
* Attests that they have read and agree to the terms and conditions in the Applicant Guide.
* Attests that it is legally registered or incorporated in Canada (does not apply to governments).
* Attests that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.
* Understands that any costs incurred for the submission of the Application Form are at the Applicant’s own risk.
* Understands that CIRNAC and NRCan reserve the right to alter the currently envisaged process, and deadlines, or to cancel the entire application process at its sole discretion.
* Understands that project funding decisions will only be made following receipt, review, and selection of projects and the successful completion of due diligence.
* Understands and acknowledges that no liability, commitment or obligation exists on the part of CIRNAC and NRCan to make a financial contribution to the project until a written funding agreement is signed by both parties.
* Attests that it is the owner of all information – proprietary, confidential or otherwise – provided as part of the proposal submission, or, if the information belongs to another party, that it has obtained written consent to disclose the information to CIRNAC and NRCan.
* Understands that federal reviewers are bound by the requirements of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act regarding the treatment of confidential information.
By checking below, the Applicant agrees that the Government of Canada may share this application and any other information provided as supplemental material with other potential funding entities in an effort to better support projects. Please indicate which of the following you consent to having your proposal shared with:
a) Other Government of Canada Departments or Agencies;
Yes No
b) Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Governments;
Yes No
) Local and/or Regional Utility; and
Yes No
e) Not-for-profit sector or foundations (e.g., Federation of Canadian Municipalities)
Yes No
9. Conflict of Interest Attestation
Definition: A person is in a conflict of interest when they exercise an official power, duty or function that provides an opportunity to further their private interests or those of their relatives or friends or to improperly influence another person’s private interests.
The following questions are to be used as guidelines to help you assess if a real, potential or perceived conflict of interest exists. If “Yes” for any of the below, the Program will contact you to discuss further (i.e. not an automatic project disqualification). To the best of your knowledge:
Are any current or former Government of Canada employees, excluding your current point of contact within the program, working or associated with the development of this proposal or project?
Will a current or former public servant or any of their relatives or friends be receiving any personal or financial benefit of any kind as a result of the Government of Canada entering into an agreement with your organization?
Have you, any individual working in your organization, your partners’ organizations, or any individual working in their organization, formerly provided consultancy services to the Minister or departments that are related to this project, particularly any services associated with developing the proposal?
Please sign below to confirm having read and understood the statements above
Name of Duly Authorized Officer: